Monday, November 9, 2009


“Sonny’s Blues”

1. This story is told from the older brother’s point of view which only allows the reader to get his perspective on everyone’s life and see through his experiences.

2. The older brother is a school teacher. I think that his profession suggests that he is a very determined person who tried to rise above the influences that surrounded him as a child growing up in Harlem.

3. This story would change greatly if it were told by Sonny because you would see an insight that only he can give into his life.

4. The narrator writes his brother after the death of his little girl.

5. The narrator’s mother asks him to look after Sonny and makes sure to be there for him which he does not do until the end really. He tries at first when he makes him move in with his girlfriend, but that falls apart.

6. The names used are familiar names that most everyone can relate to. I mean everyone has a mother and father and a lot of people have brothers so it gives the reader a sense of familiarity.

7. I think that the statement, “Now these are Sonny’s blues”, means that this was his part of the music, like it was Sonny’s turn to make the music his own. Sonny makes the music his own by making it original and just letting go of his inner boundaries and just feeling the music.

“A Worn Path”

1. The point of view used in this story is third person and I believe it is objective because you never really get insight into Phoenix’s mind just what she says aloud.

2. A phoenix is a mythical bird that is known for strength and perseverance because it lives for a very long time much like the depiction of the character Phoenix. She is very old and yet still goes on in order to take care of her grandson.

3. I think that the way in which Phoenix’s dreams and hallucinations are portrayed as real as everything else in the story gives a very dream like quality to the story and shows the reader how her mind is working.

4. Phoenix is treated without much respect and seen as a charity case, but they are not hostile towards her. They treat her differently because she is black and it shows segregation which has always been prominent in the South and since Welty spent most of her life in Mississippi I would assume it takes place there.

5. She talks about the black dog being strong and fearless and I think that she admires that in any creature because she is that way.

6. I think that the statement of Phoenix sitting motionless as if she was in armor is a good visual statement, but also means that she was untouchable. Nothing was going to get to her or stop her from making that journey that she made yearly for her grandson.

Word Count: 497

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