Monday, October 5, 2009

Streetcar Named Desire

Streetcar named Desire by Tennessee Williams is a play that everyone should definitely see in person in order to capture the raw emotion of the play itself. In the play, there are four main characters Stella, her husband Stanley, her sister Blanche and Stanley's best friend Mitch. Stella and her husband Stanley live in a small rundown apartment in Louisiana which is a great deal different than where her and her sister Blanche came from in Laurel, Mississippi where they lived on a plantation. One day, Blanche shows up at her house and claims to have lost the plantation and has to stay with them for several months. Blanche is a very eccentric lady who is obsessed with men and does not get along with Stanley who she sees as being in a lower class than she and does not understand why her sister is with him. The play has quite a few sad aspects to it like the violent nature of Stanley who has a tendency to hit his pregnant wife and Blanche who turns to alcohol to ease her mental problems. Blanche gets involved with one of Stanley's friends, Mitch, so he decides to take it upon himself to find out more about this woman who showed up at his house and finds out a lot of disturbing things and that she is known around Laurel as a crazy person and later has her committed. The play is all about the struggle between family and life and how nothing is ever as it seems. It is a very dramatic and enlightening play and the Hatiloo Theatre of Memphis did a great job in its production!
Word Count:293

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