Monday, October 19, 2009

A helpful editing process

Most of the time as college students when you write a paper, you are just trying to get it turned in on time and rarely take the time to make it the best paper you could have written. I know I am guilty of it. This is why I think that peer reviews are very helpful and allow you to not only see your mistakes, but give you insight to what others think about your paper. It not only lets you see the grammatical errors in your paper, but also let you know if you thesis was appropriate for the subject and that your paper accomplished the idea or theme you were trying to get across. I wish more people took critiquing or reviewing papers more seriously because it can be helpful to the author. I for one think it is great to be able to have someone else review my paper before the teacher does because it gives you another chance to fix it.

Word count: 165

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