Monday, October 19, 2009

I might be crazy, but I think you are.

So when I left school last Tuesday, I was driving in the pouring down rain on a divided highway when I see something move in the turn lane next to me. It was a tiny kitten sopping wet and scared out of its mind trying to figure out how to get past the traffic that was whirling around it. I immediately bust a u-turn and get as close to it as I can, throw the car in park, and leap into the road without even thinking! I grab the kitten, run back to the car, and then immediately go back out into the rain for about twenty minutes making sure there isn’t any more out there that need saving. Thankfully I could not see that there were anymore kittens, but I also could not figure out where this kitten, who besides having a busted lip is fine and sitting right next to me now, warm and happy, came from. The reason why I am telling this story is because it amazed me that when I told some people, they thought I was crazy for going through all that trouble to save a kitten! Actually it infuriated me because I can’t imagine having just seen that and kept driving, but people do it every single day. So to those people I only replied by telling them that I could not live with myself knowing I could have prevented an animal of any kind from being hit and I don’t see how they could. And to all the twilight fans in our class, I named him Cullen!

Word count : 269

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